May 29-31 Albany, New York
Topics included:
Our Common Welfare – Who’s Responsible?
Singleness of Purpose
The Spirit of Rotation in Service
Sponsorship—Is a Service Sponsor a Requirement?
Grapevine: The Grapevine Rep and More—Bringing our Message of Hope to Alcoholics
Carrying the A.A. Message through Corrections Correspondence Service (CCS)
Anonymity and Social Networks
Let’s be Friendly with Our Friends
Twelve Traditions' Importance in Service
Spanish Workshop: Our Common Welfare—Who’s Responsible?
La Viña: The La Viña Rep and More—Bringing Our Message of Hope to Alcoholics
Records Management for Registrars
How Do We Carry the A.A. Message Using Our Principle of Anonymity?
Our Common Welfare—Who’s Responsible?
Service: You Can Pretend to Care
How to Involve Members in Service
Freedom to Grow: A.A.’s Warranties
Primary Purpose