Reaching the alcoholic who isn't in A.A. yet

District, Intergroup, and Area Committees are organized to coordinate service work throughout the Fellowship. Communication and experience are shared through regular meetings of these groups.
A.A. uses service committees to focus their outreach efforts on a specific area. Corrections, Cooperation with the Professional Community, Literature, Accessibility, Treatment, Public Information and Archives are ways to get involved.
Additional Resources
Uses shared A.A. experience to answer 34 questions likely to be asked by persons seeking sponsors, persons wanting to be sponsors, and groups planning sponsorship activities.
Provides sharing on how groups manage their finances. Includes suggestions on groups may choose to distribute group funds.
Provides the how and why of A.A.’s service structure, from GSRs to the General Service Conference. Combined with The Twelve Concepts for World Service, written by Bill W.
A.A.'s Legacy of Service
A.A. is more than a set of principles; it is a society of alcoholics in action.