Public Information Committees

Members of Public Information Committees convey A.A. information to the general public.

Committees focus on:

  • Giving presentations about A.A to schools and organizations.
  • Providing information about A.A. through digital and print materials.
  • Ensuring local media have accurate information about A.A. through PSAs, anonymity-protected interviews and press kits.

Public Service Announcements on YouTube

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The General Service office maintains a YouTube channel. Videos on the channel are useful for P.I. work.


Public Information Workbook

This workbook is intended as a guide for A.A. members involved in Public Information community work.


Public Information Kit

The Public Information Kit contains the workbook and a selection of pamphlets, guidelines and order forms associated with Public Information work.

PI Cards (3).png

Digital PI Cards

GSO’s Public Information (PI) staff assignment regularly receives requests for professionally produced public information materials that can be used locally by Public Information committees and members in their service work.

  1. To that end, we have created five PI Service Cards in digital template format which are available to download for local use. 
  2. The digital templates include two sections on the cards that allow for input of local contact information or a locally developed QR code to be placed on them by local AA members performing PI service.
  3.  If anyone has any questions about these cards, please contact the Public Information Coordinator at (212) 870-3119 or email questions to
  4.  These cards can be produced as posters, flyers, distributed digitally, or added into a presentation.

Are you a new Public Information Committee chairperson?

There are a variety of resources for new committee chairs, many of them free of charge. Once you are listed with GSO as the new committee chair, we'll automatically send you the appropriate materials to help you in your service position.

Suggested Committee Activities

  • Place PSAs with online, radio and TV stations
  • Email local high schools to let them know that  P.I. "Young People" presentations are available along with PowerPoint and other digital media.
  • Place P.I. ads in local media publications about open meetings, especially during the holiday season.
  • Send email of introduction to local media offering to be a resource for information about A.A. and anonymity-protected interviews.
  • Help members become more informed about A.A.'s Public Information Policy.
Why Anonymous?

Why Anonymous?

Why Anonymous?

Why Anonymous?

Sobriety in AA: Opening doors to a life without drinking

Sobriety in AA: Opening doors to a life without drinking

Sobriety in AA: We made changes to stop drinking

Sobriety in AA: We made changes to stop drinking

Why Anonymous?

Why Anonymous?

Sobriety in AA: Opening doors to a life without drinking

Sobriety in AA: Opening doors to a life without drinking

Sobriety in AA: We made changes to stop drinking

Sobriety in AA: We made changes to stop drinking

Young and Sober in AA: From Drinking to Recovery

Young and Sober in AA: From Drinking to Recovery

Young and Sober in AA: From Drinking to Recovery

Young and Sober in AA: From Drinking to Recovery

On the Beach

On the Beach

Young People's Animation Video

Young People's Animation Video

Young and Sober in AA: From Drinking to Recovery

Young and Sober in AA: From Drinking to Recovery

On the Beach

On the Beach

Young People's Animation Video

Young People's Animation Video


Discount Literature Packages

There are special literature packages available to Public Information committees that are only available from the General Service Office. These packages are made available to committees at a discount so that it isn’t a burden to carry the message to large groups of people. Contact the Public Information desk to request literature.