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Explore key updates from the AAWS Board and GSO in 'AAWS Highlights.' Stay informed about important decisions and organizational developments.
Activities of the General Service Board Including A.A. World Services, Inc., A.A. Grapevine, Inc.
In our season finale, we meet Bob W., the General Manager of the General Service Office. Bob shares his thoughts on servant-leadership and the vital work of translating A.A. literature into numerous languages.
Register for the Convention by April 15 for early-bird pricing. Print and share a new flyer with more information. Housing still available!
We are delighted to announce that the following new items of A.A. literature are now available for purchasing.
IC25 Chit-Chat - 125 days to the 2025 international convention
Dive into how A.A. members and GSO Staff share the A.A.
Tour the A.A. Archives with our GSO archivists who give us behind-the-scenes access to rare collections and artifacts from A.A. history and learn more about A.A.’s beginnings, growth, and impact around the world.
The digital edition in English, French, and Spanish is now available. The print edition in the three languages is coming soon.
Now available for printing and sharing, a simplified flyer describing the Plain Language Big Book, now back in stock and available for ordering.