Is there help for me?

Al-Anon Family Groups offer help and hope

A.A. is made up of alcoholics helping alcoholics recover. 

Al-Anon Family Groups is another Twelve Step program of recovery. Their members are made up of people concerned with someone’s drinking problem.

In Al-Anon members have the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others who have faced similar problems.

Discover A.A.

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A.A. is an enduring program of recovery based on one alcoholic sharing their experience, strength and hope with another.

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For more than 80 years, A.A. has helped millions recover from alcoholism - to get sober and stay sober.

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A.A. costs nothing and is supported through member contributions, so there are no dues or fees for A.A. membership.

Hope: Alcoholics Anonymous

Hope: Alcoholics Anonymous

Hope: Alcoholics Anonymous

Hope: Alcoholics Anonymous

Sobriety in AA: We made changes to stop drinking

Sobriety in AA: We made changes to stop drinking

Why Anonymous?

Why Anonymous?

Hope: Alcoholics Anonymous

Hope: Alcoholics Anonymous

Sobriety in AA: We made changes to stop drinking

Sobriety in AA: We made changes to stop drinking

Why Anonymous?

Why Anonymous?

Additional Resources

This pamphlet offers general information on Alcoholics Anonymous, covering topics such as symptoms of alcoholism, the Twelve Steps (A.A.'s program of recovery), the function of A.A. meetings, and more.