Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

Bill W. used "defects of character" in one Step and "shortcomings" in another Step because he felt the terms to be interchangeable, according to a…
Bill W. was not nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In early 1960 an individual from the New York area wrote to Bill concerning the possibility of…
The “Twelve Steps” are the core of the A.A. program of personal recovery from alcoholism. They are not abstract theories; they are based on the trial…
Between 1930 and 1934, Bill was admitted four times to Towns Hospital in New York city. His last admittance was in December of 1934.
No. The recording is of a one-man play called Moments, An Evening with Bill W., written in 1989 by an A.A. member. According to the playwright, an…
Yes, if full-face photographs and other easily identifiable photos of A.A. members (who are described as A.A. members) are published or broadcast,…
A group from West Virginia was planning on starting a foundation with a club, a hospital, a rehabilitation center and a research center. They wrote…
Most A.A. members meet in A.A. groups as defined by the long form of our Third Tradition. However, some A.A. members hold A.A. meetings that differ…
Service material differs from Conference-approved literature in that it has not come about through Conference Advisory Action. It is produced when…
Anonymity at the personal level: At the personal level, anonymity provides protection for all members from identification as alcoholics, a safeguard…
Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous in print, digital and audio. Often referred to as "our meeting in print,” Grapevine…
Members of A.A. have a selfish interest in offering a helping hand to other alcoholics who have not yet achieved sobriety. First, they know from…