Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

While there is no formal list of promises in the Big Book, some A.A. members refer to the following passage from the Big Book, Chapter 6: Into Action…
Not all records are digitized and available online for several reasons. Firstly, it takes money, resources and staff hours to digitize the vast…
Service material differs from Conference-approved literature in that it has not come about through Conference Advisory Action. It is produced when…
Publicly accessible aspects of the Internet such as websites featuring text, graphics, audio and video can be considered the same as publishing or…
Most A.A. members meet in A.A. groups as defined by the long form of our Third Tradition. However, some A.A. members hold A.A. meetings that differ…
Reasons for starting a new group vary, but the ways to go about it are basically the same. Important to establishing an A.A. group is the need for…
The term “Conference-approved” describes written or audiovisual material approved by the General Service Conference for publication by GSO. This…
Yes. There are committees for Accessibilities, Archives, Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC), Corrections, Grapevine, Literature,…
Individual A.A. members and A.A. groups may make a contribution to benefit GSO online or by mail. In keeping with A.A.’s tradition of self-support,…
We in A.A. believe there is no such thing as a cure for alcoholism. We can never return to normal drinking, and our ability to stay away from alcohol…
Every two years each of the 93 Areas elects a representative who votes on behalf of the Area at the annual General Service Confence. This…
To help support A.A.’s essential services, the General Service Conference suggests that individual groups, through an informed group conscience,…