Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

No. The recording is of a one-man play called Moments, An Evening with Bill W., written in 1989 by an A.A. member. According to the playwright, an…
Grapevine and La Viña are the international journals of Alcoholics Anonymous. A question often asked about Grapevine is whether or not it is “…
So far as can be determined, no one who has become an alcoholic has ever ceased to be an alcoholic. The mere fact of abstaining from alcohol for…
Bill W. was not nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In early 1960 an individual from the New York area wrote to Bill concerning the possibility of…
While there is no formal list of promises in the Big Book, some A.A. members refer to the following passage from the Big Book, Chapter 6: Into Action…
A group from West Virginia was planning on starting a foundation with a club, a hospital, a rehabilitation center and a research center. They wrote…
Like everyone else, public figures should have the protection of anonymity to the extent that they desire it.
Every two years each of the 93 Areas elects a representative who votes on behalf of the Area at the annual General Service Confence. This…
In most groups, the chairperson or another officer calls the business meeting, which ordinarily is held on a monthly or quarterly basis. While some…
No. The Clubhouse was closed in February of 1960 and was later razed to make room for a six-block West Side housing project. On the eve of its…
Between 1930 and 1934, Bill was admitted four times to Towns Hospital in New York city. His last admittance was in December of 1934.
Bill W. used "defects of character" in one Step and "shortcomings" in another Step because he felt the terms to be interchangeable, according to a…