Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

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The term “Conference-approved” describes written or audiovisual material approved by the General Service Conference for publication by GSO. This…
No. A.A. does not keep membership files or attendance records. You do not have to reveal anything about yourself. No one will bother you if you don’t…
There are no “A.A. rehabs" or hospitals. Traditionally, no professional services or facilities are ever offered or performed under A.A. sponsorship.…
An A.A. meeting may take one of several forms, but at any meeting you will find alcoholics talking about what drinking did to their lives, their…
Not all records are digitized and available online for several reasons. Firstly, it takes money, resources and staff hours to digitize the vast…
A.A. members don’t have to attend any set number of meetings in a given period. It is purely a matter of individual preference and need. Most members…
In our experience, the people who recover in A.A. are those who: a) stay away from the first drink; b) attend A.A. meetings regularly; c) seek out…
So far as can be determined, no one who has become an alcoholic has ever ceased to be an alcoholic. The mere fact of abstaining from alcohol for…
We in A.A. believe there is no such thing as a cure for alcoholism. We can never return to normal drinking, and our ability to stay away from alcohol…
A.A. meetings can take place both online and by phone. The Meeting Guide app and the Online Intergroup of A.A. both provide information on phone and…
One of the most heartening trends in the growth of A.A. is the fact that more and more young people are being attracted to the program before their…