Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

Individuals may download a single copy of a book or pamphlet from for their personal use. Single copies of some pamphlets may be printed, and…
Alcohol is frequently a complicating factor in family life, magnifying petty irritations, exposing character defects, and contributing to financial…
A few people have stopped drinking after reading Alcoholics Anonymous, the A.A. “Big Book,” which sets forth the basic principles of the recovery…
This is a personal matter. However, the spirit of the program is one of sharing, and a recent study of A.A. members shows that a high proportion of…
This is entirely a personal matter, but it is usually best for all concerned to let the A.A. member decide who shall be told and when.
No. Someone may invite you to share to help you feel welcome, but it’s quite okay if you don’t want to. The meeting will consist of members telling…
Social drinking has become an accepted part of business enterprise in many fields these days. Many contacts with customers and prospective customers…
Group problems are often evidence of a healthy, desirable diversity of opinion among group members. They give us a chance, in the words of Step…
Most people turn to A.A. when they hit the low point in their drinking careers. But this is not always the case. A number of persons have joined the…
We in A.A. know what it is like to be addicted to alcohol, and to be unable to keep promises made to others and ourselves that we will stop drinking…
Email and we can assist in compiling a history of your group. Please note that the amount of information the GSO Archives holds on…