Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

It is understood by A.A. members that personal disclosures made in A.A. meetings are to be treated as confidential. For example, if friends outside…
Asking for special favors because of A.A. membership is not in the spirit of the anonymity Traditions.
This is entirely a personal matter, but it is usually best for all concerned to let the A.A. member decide who shall be told and when.
Members of the immediate family and close friends are usually pleased to learn about an alcoholic’s membership in A.A. As for colleagues at work, it…
Realizing that anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, it is recommended that talks by A.A. members as members be given in…
Yes, if full-face photographs and other easily identifiable photos of A.A. members (who are described as A.A. members) are published or broadcast,…
Daily Reflections is free to read every day on or in the Meeting Guide app. The option for a daily subscription to be sent to your email…
GSO provides a wide variety of material, much of it is available on the A.A. Literature page. These items include books, pamphlets and flyers,…
Yes. There are committees for Accessibilities, Archives, Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC), Corrections, Grapevine, Literature,…
We encourage members to purchase literature and contribute online, where we accept all major credit/debit cards and PayPal. Members may also order…
Social drinking has become an accepted part of business enterprise in many fields these days. Many contacts with customers and prospective customers…
If you provide your email address with your contribution, you should receive an email acknowledgment from us within a week. If you do not provide an…