Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

The number of women who are finding help in A.A. for their drinking problem increases daily. Approximately 38 percent of present-day members are…
We in A.A. believe there is no such thing as a cure for alcoholism. We can never return to normal drinking, and our ability to stay away from alcohol…
Bill W. was the author of the "To Wives" chapter. It is commonly thought that his wife Lois wrote it. But, as 'Pass It On' describes (page 200), Lois…
A closed meeting is for A.A. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and have a desire to stop drinking. Closed meetings give members…
As stated in A.A.'s Responsibility Pledge, “I am responsible … when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be…
There are many different ideas about what alcoholism really is. The explanation that seems to make sense to most A.A. members is that alcoholism is a…
The record shows that A.A. will work for almost anyone who really wants to stop drinking, no matter what the person’s economic or social background…
While there is no formal list of promises in the Big Book, some A.A. members refer to the following passage from the Big Book, Chapter 6: Into Action…
The majority of A.A. members believe that we have found the solution to our drinking problem not through individual willpower, but through a power…
We are a Fellowship of people who have lost the ability to control our drinking and have found ourselves in various kinds of trouble as a result of…
If you repeatedly drink more than you intend or want to, if you get into trouble, or if you have memory lapses when you drink, you may be an…
The absence of rules, regulations or "musts" is one of the unique features of A.A. as a local group and as a worldwide Fellowship. There are no…