Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

Sometimes a referral source asks for proof of attendance at A.A. meetings. Groups cooperate in different ways. There is no set procedure. The nature…
Most groups try to hold a certain amount of money in reserve. There is no predetermined amount for such a reserve, but most groups try to put aside…
The A.A. Guidelines represent the shared experience of A.A. members and groups throughout the United States and Canada. They also reflect guidance…
While there is no formal list of promises in the Big Book, some A.A. members refer to the following passage from the Big Book, Chapter 6: Into Action…
Social drinking has become an accepted part of business enterprise in many fields these days. Many contacts with customers and prospective customers…
Most A.A. members meet in A.A. groups as defined by the long form of our Third Tradition. However, some A.A. members hold A.A. meetings that differ…
GSO provides a wide variety of material, much of it is available on the A.A. Literature page. These items include books, pamphlets and flyers,…
Bequests in wills are acceptable only from A.A. members, with a maximum of $10,000 from any one person, and only on a one-time basis — not in…
A central office or intergroup is an A.A. service office that involves partnership among groups in a community — just as A.A. groups themselves are…
Individual A.A. members and A.A. groups may make a contribution to benefit GSO online or by mail. In keeping with A.A.’s tradition of self-support,…
Email and we can assist in compiling a history of your group. Please note that the amount of information the GSO Archives holds on…
No, contributions to A.A. do not support Grapevine. Grapevine is supported entirely through sales of the magazine and related items. Individuals and…