Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

Daily Reflections is free to read every day on or in the Meeting Guide app. The option for a daily subscription to be sent to your email…
No. The recording is of a one-man play called Moments, An Evening with Bill W., written in 1989 by an A.A. member. According to the playwright, an…
We do not maintain any membership lists, including lists of early members. It is difficult to piece together an accurate list of early members with…
No. Each A.A. entity — group, district, area, central office and GSO — provides a specific service and is autonomous. Contributions should be made…
Asking for special favors because of A.A. membership is not in the spirit of the anonymity Traditions.
Groups strive to provide as safe an environment as possible in which members can focus on sobriety, and, while anonymity is central to that purpose,…
Reasons for starting a new group vary, but the ways to go about it are basically the same. Important to establishing an A.A. group is the need for…
Most A.A. members meet in A.A. groups as defined by the long form of our Third Tradition. However, some A.A. members hold A.A. meetings that differ…
There is a “Contact us” link at the bottom of every page provides information on how to contact GSO Clicking on “Contact us” takes you to a page…
An A.A. meeting may take one of several forms, but at any meeting you will find alcoholics talking about what drinking did to their lives, their…
A.A. members don’t have to attend any set number of meetings in a given period. It is purely a matter of individual preference and need. Most members…
We are a Fellowship of people who have lost the ability to control our drinking and have found ourselves in various kinds of trouble as a result of…