Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

If you provide your email address with your contribution, you should receive an email acknowledgment from us within a week. If you do not provide an…
The A.A. Guidelines represent the shared experience of A.A. members and groups throughout the United States and Canada. They also reflect guidance…
Our website refers individuals to their local service office rather than maintaining meeting lists. In our experience, the most detailed information…
A central office or intergroup is an A.A. service office that involves partnership among groups in a community — just as A.A. groups themselves are…
We encourage members to purchase literature and contribute online, where we accept all major credit/debit cards and PayPal. Members may also order…
The term “Conference-approved” describes written or audiovisual material approved by the General Service Conference for publication by GSO. This…
In most groups, the chairperson or another officer calls the business meeting, which ordinarily is held on a monthly or quarterly basis. While some…
GSO provides a wide variety of material, much of it is available on the A.A. Literature page. These items include books, pamphlets and flyers,…
A group from West Virginia was planning on starting a foundation with a club, a hospital, a rehabilitation center and a research center. They wrote…
Bill W. was not nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In early 1960 an individual from the New York area wrote to Bill concerning the possibility of…
The A.A. tradition of public relations has always been keyed to "attraction rather than promotion." A.A. never seeks publicity but always cooperates…