Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

You are an A.A. member if and when you say so. The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking, and many of us were not very…
It is understood by A.A. members that personal disclosures made in A.A. meetings are to be treated as confidential. For example, if friends outside…
One of the most heartening trends in the growth of A.A. is the fact that more and more young people are being attracted to the program before their…
The number of women who are finding help in A.A. for their drinking problem increases daily. Approximately 38 percent of present-day members are…
We encourage members to purchase literature and contribute online, where we accept all major credit/debit cards and PayPal. Members may also order…
Bill W. was the author of the "To Wives" chapter. It is commonly thought that his wife Lois wrote it. But, as 'Pass It On' describes (page 200), Lois…
Anonymity is and always has been the basis of the A.A. program. Most members, after they have been in A.A. awhile, have no particular objection if…
A.A. meetings can take place both online and by phone. The Meeting Guide app and the Online Intergroup of A.A. both provide information on phone and…
The record shows that A.A. will work for almost anyone who really wants to stop drinking, no matter what the person’s economic or social background…
Bequests in wills are acceptable only from A.A. members, with a maximum of $10,000 from any one person, and only on a one-time basis — not in…
As stated in A.A.'s Responsibility Pledge, “I am responsible … when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be…
So far as can be determined, no one who has become an alcoholic has ever ceased to be an alcoholic. The mere fact of abstaining from alcohol for…