Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

The “Twelve Traditions” of A.A. are suggested principles to insure the survival and growth of the thousands of groups that make up the Fellowship.…
A closed meeting is for A.A. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and have a desire to stop drinking. Closed meetings give members…
A.A. "service" is anything that helps us to reach a fellow sufferer. Much the way A.A. sponsors share their experience in recovery with their…
Most groups try to hold a certain amount of money in reserve. There is no predetermined amount for such a reserve, but most groups try to put aside…
Often referred to as "our meeting in print," AA Grapevine is a monthly pocket-size magazine published for A.A. members and friends who seek further…
We are a Fellowship of people who have lost the ability to control our drinking and have found ourselves in various kinds of trouble as a result of…
In most groups, the chairperson or another officer calls the business meeting, which ordinarily is held on a monthly or quarterly basis. While some…
An A.A. meeting may take one of several forms, but at any meeting you will find alcoholics talking about what drinking did to their lives, their…
The service structure is the framework in which our "general services" are carried out. It is the structure that takes the place of government in A.A…
The term “Conference-approved” describes written or audiovisual material approved by the General Service Conference for publication by GSO. This…
As stated in A.A.'s Responsibility Pledge, “I am responsible … when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be…
“The 24-hour program” is a phrase used to describe a basic A.A. approach to the problem of staying sober. A.A.s never swear off alcohol for life,…