Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

The Fellowship has four books that are generally accepted as “textbooks.” The first is Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as “the Big Book,” originally…
Not all records are digitized and available online for several reasons. Firstly, it takes money, resources and staff hours to digitize the vast…
The A.A. tradition of public relations has always been keyed to "attraction rather than promotion." A.A. never seeks publicity but always cooperates…
Groups strive to provide as safe an environment as possible in which members can focus on sobriety, and, while anonymity is central to that purpose,…
In our experience, the people who recover in A.A. are those who: a) stay away from the first drink; b) attend A.A. meetings regularly; c) seek out…
Grapevine and La Viña are the international journals of Alcoholics Anonymous. A question often asked about Grapevine is whether or not it is “…
Anonymity is and always has been the basis of the A.A. program. Most members, after they have been in A.A. awhile, have no particular objection if…
The term “Conference-approved” describes written or audiovisual material approved by the General Service Conference for publication by GSO. This…
A few people have stopped drinking after reading Alcoholics Anonymous, the A.A. “Big Book,” which sets forth the basic principles of the recovery…
Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous in print, digital and audio. Often referred to as "our meeting in print,” Grapevine…
Often referred to as "our meeting in print," AA Grapevine is a monthly pocket-size magazine published for A.A. members and friends who seek further…
The “Twelve Steps” are the core of the A.A. program of personal recovery from alcoholism. They are not abstract theories; they are based on the trial…