Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

Service material differs from Conference-approved literature in that it has not come about through Conference Advisory Action. It is produced when…
GSO provides a wide variety of material, much of it is available on the A.A. Literature page. These items include books, pamphlets and flyers,…
A.A. has no officers or executives who wield power or authority over the Fellowship. There is no “government” in A.A. It is obvious, however, that…
Please see the A.A. Finance Guidelines (publication MG-15) section entitled "Bank Accounts & Tax ID numbers" (page 4). This publication is…
Realizing that anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, it is recommended that talks by A.A. members as members be given in…
The service structure is the framework in which our "general services" are carried out. It is the structure that takes the place of government in A.A…
Bill W. was not nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In early 1960 an individual from the New York area wrote to Bill concerning the possibility of…
The A.A. Guidelines represent the shared experience of A.A. members and groups throughout the United States and Canada. They also reflect guidance…
Most people turn to A.A. when they hit the low point in their drinking careers. But this is not always the case. A number of persons have joined the…
To help support A.A.’s essential services, the General Service Conference suggests that individual groups, through an informed group conscience,…
Publicly accessible aspects of the Internet such as websites featuring text, graphics, audio and video can be considered the same as publishing or…
When we use social media, we are responsible for our own anonymity and that of others. When we post or text, we should assume that we are publishing…