Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

Like everyone else, public figures should have the protection of anonymity to the extent that they desire it.
An open meeting of A.A. is a group meeting that any member of the community, alcoholic or nonalcoholic, may attend. Nonalcoholics may attend opens…
A closed meeting is for A.A. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and have a desire to stop drinking. Closed meetings give members…
An A.A. meeting may take one of several forms, but at any meeting you will find alcoholics talking about what drinking did to their lives, their…
In most groups, the chairperson or another officer calls the business meeting, which ordinarily is held on a monthly or quarterly basis. While some…
It is understood by A.A. members that personal disclosures made in A.A. meetings are to be treated as confidential. For example, if friends outside…
They will be there for the same reason that you are. They will not disclose your identity to outsiders. At A.A. you retain as much anonymity as you…
Publicly accessible aspects of the Internet such as websites featuring text, graphics, audio and video can be considered the same as publishing or…
The A.A. tradition of public relations has always been keyed to "attraction rather than promotion." A.A. never seeks publicity but always cooperates…
The record shows that A.A. will work for almost anyone who really wants to stop drinking, no matter what the person’s economic or social background…
The District Committee Member (DCM) is the elected leader of the district committee which is made up of all GSRs in the district. The DCM reports…
Family members or close friends are welcome at “open” A.A. meetings as observers.