Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

In our experience, the people who recover in A.A. are those who: a) stay away from the first drink; b) attend A.A. meetings regularly; c) seek out…
They will be there for the same reason that you are. They will not disclose your identity to outsiders. At A.A. you retain as much anonymity as you…
Like everyone else, public figures should have the protection of anonymity to the extent that they desire it.
It is understood by A.A. members that personal disclosures made in A.A. meetings are to be treated as confidential. For example, if friends outside…
Explain that anonymity is extremely important to A.A. members. All A.A. members decides if and when to share aspects of their recovery, and with whom…
Publicly accessible aspects of the Internet such as websites featuring text, graphics, audio and video can be considered the same as publishing or…
Realizing that anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, it is recommended that talks by A.A. members as members be given in…
Yes, if full-face photographs and other easily identifiable photos of A.A. members (who are described as A.A. members) are published or broadcast,…
Social drinking has become an accepted part of business enterprise in many fields these days. Many contacts with customers and prospective customers…
Members of A.A. have a selfish interest in offering a helping hand to other alcoholics who have not yet achieved sobriety. First, they know from…
Groups strive to provide as safe an environment as possible in which members can focus on sobriety, and, while anonymity is central to that purpose,…