Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

Most A.A. members meet in A.A. groups as defined by the long form of our Third Tradition. However, some A.A. members hold A.A. meetings that differ…
Sometimes a referral source asks for proof of attendance at A.A. meetings. Groups cooperate in different ways. There is no set procedure. The nature…
An open meeting of A.A. is a group meeting that any member of the community, alcoholic or nonalcoholic, may attend. Nonalcoholics may attend opens…
A.A. "service" is anything that helps us to reach a fellow sufferer. Much the way A.A. sponsors share their experience in recovery with their…
The general service representative (GSR) is an elected member of your home group. It is a two-year service commitment. The GSR is your home group’s…
Yes. There are committees for Accessibilities, Archives, Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC), Corrections, Grapevine, Literature,…
Congratulations on your new position! You can read about getting listed with GSO and obtaining material to help you get started in your new role.…
Every two years each of the 93 Areas elects a representative who votes on behalf of the Area at the annual General Service Confence. This…
A.A. meetings can take place both online and by phone. The Meeting Guide app and the Online Intergroup of A.A. both provide information on phone and…
Our website refers individuals to their local service office rather than maintaining meeting lists. In our experience, the most detailed information…
A closed meeting is for A.A. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and have a desire to stop drinking. Closed meetings give members…