Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.
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Yes. There are committees for Accessibilities, Archives, Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC), Corrections, Grapevine, Literature,…
A.A. meetings can take place both online and by phone. The Meeting Guide app and the Online Intergroup of A.A. both provide information on phone and…
Family members or close friends are welcome at “open” A.A. meetings as observers.
Bequests in wills are acceptable only from A.A. members, with a maximum of $10,000 from any one person, and only on a one-time basis — not in…
Our website refers individuals to their local service office rather than maintaining meeting lists. In our experience, the most detailed information…
Individual A.A. members and A.A. groups may make a contribution to benefit GSO online or by mail. In keeping with A.A.’s tradition of self-support,…
You can obtain your Group ID on Fellowship Connection. If you do not have access to Fellowship Connection or need help with it, please contact Member…
Group problems are often evidence of a healthy, desirable diversity of opinion among group members. They give us a chance, in the words of Step…
Reasons for starting a new group vary, but the ways to go about it are basically the same. Important to establishing an A.A. group is the need for…
A.A. members don’t have to attend any set number of meetings in a given period. It is purely a matter of individual preference and need. Most members…
There are two different zip codes because of the way the US Post Office has set up their systems. Zip code 10117-2429 is used only on pre-printed…
Congratulations on your new position! You can read about getting listed with GSO and obtaining material to help you get started in your new role.…